R&D Consultancy
Optimise your formula and scale your recipes by tapping into our expertise in the following future-centred pillars. We are also keen to explore topics that are not within these pillars with you.

Future Foods
Food sustainability is a key challenge of many countries all around the world.
We are committed to develop plant-based food products. This includes meat analogues using the wet extrusion process.
Our facility is equipped with the necessary equipment such as UHT to support innovation in alternative protein processing.

Elderly Nutrition
Singapore faces a rapidly ageing population. With this issue comes challenges that include addressing the nutritious needs of the elderly.
We are positioned to be a part of the solution in developing nutrient dense and texture-modified food products.
This can be achieved through advanced techniques like spray drying that enables nutrient retention and creates new functional properties required by silver-care food products.

Advanced Food Processing
Food manufacturers can sometimes find themselves unable to innovate past traditional methods and hence, stagnate with food products that lag the market.
We are poised to solve this through our adoption of advanced food processing techniques that include the Pulsed Electric Field (PEF).
PEF is an emerging non-thermal technology that accelerates drying, increases shelf life and yield, and also aids in alternative protein extraction.
This allows for innovation of food products that better meet the needs of the market.
Reach Out to Us to
Find Out More
We look forward to partnering you in your food innovation efforts. Reach out to our team for a no-obligation discussion today.
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