Hello and welcome to the
FoodPlant website.
Whether you are a customer, an industry partner or a food technology practitioner, we hope to provide you with an understanding of our work and how we can add value to your businesses or to you as a food technology professional.
Singapore is globally renowned for producing quality food products with high safety standards. The growth and export potential of these food products are tremendous. With the Singapore government's vision of transforming the nation into Asia’s leading food and nutrition hub by 2025 coupled with the nation’s ’30 by 30’ food production goal (30% of our nutritional needs to be produced locally by 2030), our food manufacturing industry has to rise to the occasion.
This challenge brings local food companies to the fore, in the effort to produce higher quality and innovative products that are competitive in the region and around the world. This requires access to resources, technical support, and cutting-edge food processing technologies.
FoodPlant has been established to serve as a conduit for translating technological know-how and accelerate technology adoption by Singapore food companies to spur innovation and growth.
In alignment with Singapore's Food Manufacturing ITM to position Singapore as the leading food and nutrition hub in Asia, FoodPlant aims to:
Promote and facilitate innovation in the local food industry
Strengthen and develop Singapore food companies' capability to adopt advanced and cutting-edge food processing technologies
Encourage collaboration amongst Singapore food companies
Train industry-ready food technologists with deep skills
Food companies can leverage our facilities and expertise to enhance business innovation and experience new possibilities for collaboration and expansion.
I look forward to partnering with you and take your food products to the next level.
Dr Lim Bee Gim
Chief Executive Officer