Facility Overview
Click on each room to find out more.
Non-Thermal Processing Room
Evolving consumer tastes have led to the emergence of novel non-thermal food processing techniques. These techniques help to address the undesirable alteration of food flavour, colour and texture during the thermal processing stage.

Freeze Dryer
- Shelf area: 1.0 m2
- Capacity: 20 – 40 kg frozen feed per batch
- Sublimation capacity: Up to 1.6 kg H2O/hr
Pulsed Electric Field (PEF) System
- Allows for batch treatment of solids and continuous treatment of liquid products
- Flexibility in changing the treatment parameters such as field strength, specific energy input and sample size
- Capacity:
- Batch mode: Up to 10 kg per batch
- Continuous mode: Up to 250 L per hr

Blast Freezer
- Capacity: Up to 85 kg
- Blast Chill: from +90°C to +3°C
- Blast Freeze: from +90°C to -18°C

Vacuum Dryer
- Shelf area: 5 m2
- Capacity:
- Up to 16 trays
- Tray dimensions: 650 mm (L) x 450 mm (W) x 50 mm (H)
- Heating Plate temperature: 30 – 90°C
Get in Touch
We look forward to serving you and your food innovation needs.
Reach out to us for a discussion at hello@foodplant.com.sg.