

Innovation is Key to 'Meat-ing' Food Sustainability Goals

SIT Bolsters Food Technology Offerings to Support Burgeoning Agri-Food Sector in Singapore

First-in-Singapore Shared Facility for Small-Batch Production to be set up at JTC Food Hub @ Senoko

In The News

Seithi Mediacorp

Foodplant initiative that allows for small batch production (உணவுப்பொருள்களை உற்பத்தி செய்துபார்க்க வழிவகுக்கும் FOODPLANT திட்டம்)

Singapore Business Review

SG's first shared facility for small-batch food production opens

The Straits Times

New $13m shared facility for small-batch food production gives boost to local food innovation

Lianhe Zaobao

The first shared food production facility allows firms to develop new products (首个共用生产设施助商家研发新食品)

The Straits Times

Plant-based food contract manufacturer to tap new FoodPlant facility for R&D)

Channel 8

The first shared food production facility set up locally to help SMEs to expand their business (本地设首个共享食品生产设施 供中小型企业使用扩张业务)


New facility to allow companies to make, test food products at lower costs

Berita Harian

$13 million Foodplant helps local firms to develop new products (FoodPlant bernilai $13j bantu firma tempatan bangun produk makanan baru dan inovatif)


New facility to allow companies to make, test food products at lower costs