
In The News


FoodPlant and Sustainable Food Innovation in Singapore

The Straits Times

S'pore, New Zealand ink two pacts on trade, food and tech innovation

Singapore Business Review

Government inks deal with New Zealand to boost food, trade innovation

Lianhe Zaobao

MOU between Singapore and New Zealand to strengthen cooperation in areas such food trade (我国与新西兰签订备忘录 加强贸易食品等创新合作)

Berita Harian

New collaborations in trade, food and technology innovation (Kerjasama baru dalam inovasi dagangan, makanan dan teknologi)

Channel 8

MOU between Singapore and New Zealand to further strengthen cooperation in food trade and technological innovation (我国和新西兰签署协定 进一步加强贸易 食品和科技创新合作)

Berita Mediacorp

Singapore and New Zealand intensify innovation efforts in sustainable food technology (S'pura, New Zealand perhebat usaha inovasi, teknologi makanan yang mampan)

The Business Times

New Zealand is 'fully open for business', says Trade Minister

The Star

Singapore and N. Zealand ink two pacts to work closely in trade, food and tech innovation